Interesting Discovery at the Beach


Staff member
Feb 15, 2004
The Beach Strip
Uncovering an Indian Burial Place
May 17th, 1877
Yesterday afternoon as Mr. George was engaged in digging post holes at the rear of Fitch's hotel on the Beach, he was surprised at discovering some human bones about three feet below the surface of the ground. On taking some of them out and examining them, it was at once seen that a long time must have elapsed since they were deposited in the ground, as they soon crumbled on exposure to the air. Mr. Lottridge summoned assistance and continued his investigations, and soon the remains of about twenty human bodies were taken out, a number of the skulls being in a good state of preservation. A quantity of relics was also found with the remains, which left no doubt they were those of Indian warriors. These consisted of ornaments of various kinds, such as armlets., bead. shells, etc., besides stone pipes coper knives, iron tomahawks, and a steel sword. All the remnants were found buried in of about ten feet long by eight wide, and the indications were such as to induce the belief that the bodies had all been deposited at the same time, probably after some battle. The search is being continued today and it is likely that before this time more relics of the red men of old have been discovered.


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