Minor Variance
You are receiving this notice because you are either~Minor Variance
· Assessed owner of a property located within 60 metres of the subject property
· Applicant/agent on file, or
· Person likely to be interested in this application
APPLICANTS: Owner: Cale Oncea
SUBJECT PROPERTY:- , Municipal address 6OO Beach Blvd., Hamilton
ZONING BY-LAW: Zoning By-law 6593, as Amended by 99-170
ZONJNG! C/S-1436 district
PROPOSAL: To permit the construction of a two storey addition to the front of the
existing single family dwelling, to construct an accessory structure in
the rear yard and to extend the existing balcony at the rear of the
dwelling to the roof the proposed accessory structure intended to be
used as a rooftop garden, notwithstanding,
1. A minimum front yard depth of 4.4 metres shall be provided to the proposed front
addition instead of the minimum required front yard depth of 6.0 metres,
2. The rear balcony shall be permitted to encroach 4.7 metres into the required rear
yard instead of the maximum permitted encroachment of 1.0 metres into a required
rear yard,
3. A minimum southerly side yard width of 0.17 metres shall be provided to the
proposed accessory structure instead of the minimum required side yard width of
1.7 metres,
4. A maximum height of 4.3 metres shall be permitted for the proposed accessory
structure instead of the maximum permitted height of 4.0 metres, and
5. The eave and gutter of the accessory structure shall be permitted to encroach the
entire width of the required southerly side yard instead the maximum permitted
encroachment of one-half the width of the required southerly side yard.
1. For the purpose of this application the front lot tine is deemed to be the easterly lot
2. A further variance will be required if the height of the proposed addition exceeds
2.5 storeys or 11.0 metres.
3. A further variance will be required if the minimum ground floor elevation of the
proposed accessory structure or addition is not a minimum of 76,0 metres above
mean sea level, as defined by the Geodetic Survey Datum.
4. The applicant shall ensure building height has been provided in accordance with
"Heiqht" and "Grade" as defined within the Zoning By-law.
5. Zoning compliance Tor the location at the proposed rear deck extension is
dependant 'upon approval of the variance requested tor reduced southerly side yard
for the accessory structure.
6. The applicant shall ensure compliance with Section 18A of the Zoning By-Iaw with
regards to Parking should the intent be to provide parking for a motor vehicle within
the proposed accessory structure.
7. Details regarding the number of prooposed habitable rooms within the dwelling as a
result of the addition has not been provided. Further variances may be required
should greater then eight (8) habitable rooms be a result of the proposed addition.
8. A further variance will be required If a minimum of 50% of the gross area of the front
yard is not provided as landscaped area.
9. Further variances may be required should an open stairway be proposed to gain
access to the roof top garden from grade.
10. The lands are subject to Site Plan Control.
This application will be heard by the Committee as shown below:
Thursday, September 12th, 2019
1:35 p.m.
Rooms 192 & 193, 1st Floor
Hamilton City Hall
In person: This public meeting will al[ow for any member of the public to speak to the
committee regarding this request.
In writing; If you are unable to attend the meeting, you may also send your comments in
writing to the Secretary-Treasurer prior to the meeting date. Refer to the contact information
at the top of -this notice to submit comments via e-mail, mail or fax. You may also use this
means of contact to request notice of the committee's decision.
Full notice here;