7 Fitch Ave


Staff member
Feb 15, 2004
The Beach Strip

City Hail, 5" floor, 71 Main Street West, Hamilton, ON Lap 4Y5

Telephone (905) 546-2424, ext. 4221 Fax (905) 546-1202

E-mail: samantha.costa@hamilton.ca or scntt.baldrvtSjhamiltQn.ca


You are receiving this notice because you are either:

• Assessed owner of a property located within 60 metres of the subject property

• Applicant/agent on file, or

• Person likely to be interested in this application


Harold & Sueann Milier-Koren

SUBJECT PROPERTY: Municipal address 7 Fitch Ave., City of Hamilton

Zoning By-law 6593, as Amended

ZONING: "C/S-1435" (Urban Protected Residential) district

PROPOSAL: To permit the construction of an above ground swimming pool to be

located in the rear yard and a 39.9 m2 deck to be located on the northerly side of the existing single family dwelling notwithstanding that;

1. A minimum of 1.2 m side yard setback shall be provided on the southerly lot line for the above ground swimming pool instead of the minimum required 1.7 m side yard setback; and

2. A minimum of 1.2 m rear yard setback shall be provided on the westerly lot line for the above ground swimming pool instead of the minimum rear yard depth required of 7.5 m; and

3. A 0.0 m northerly side yard setback shall be provided for the proposed deck (including stairs) instead of the minimum required 1.7 m side yard setback; and


Variances have been written exactly as requested by the applicant. This property is subject to Site Plan Control; to date, no formal site plan application has been submitted and a full zoning review has not been conducted for the proposed development. Further variances may be required at such time that a formal zoning review is conducted on the proposed development.

Please be advised that a portion of this property is under Conservation Management. Please contact Hamilton Conservation Authority for further information.

Please note that this property is not within Block 1 or 2 as specified in Section 2 (a) of Site Specific By-Law 99-169. Therefore, requested variance # 2 has been written based on the required rear yard of the parent zone ("C" District).

The applicant has requested variance # 3 for lot coverage relief for all accessory structures from 50 % to 70 % actual coverage; however, only the above ground swimming pool and the existing accessory building are located within the rear yard which are less than the maximum permitted 50 % coverage; therefore, variance # 3 is not required at this time.

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