History of Beach Lodge


Staff member
Feb 15, 2004
The Beach Strip
This was sent in by David;
Early History is Recalled
One such event was attending a milestone divine service in the autumn of 1927. From our founding in 1925, Beach Lodge brethren attended divine service in goodly numbers. For nearly two years we held the services in the same church that had become out temporary home, but on this occasion, we walked from our brand new temple (roughly a mile) to our original home in the church. What a sight to behold! In full regalia did our brethren in procession two by two make their way to church. To a young boy witnessing this grand march it must have left an indelible impression. All that glitter! The "jingling and jangling" of all those silvery ornaments!
The march, the retinue, may not have been as solemn as you might suppose for animated conversation was taking place amongst our brethren as they made their way to their place of worship. Once there, idle conversation ceased for at this place, at this time, there was much to give thanks for. Not the least being the edifice that we had very recently erected to the glory of Freemasonry.
All attending gave their sincere and humble thanks. How unique our situation was in that our first Worshipful Master was the Reverend T.N. Lowe and our original home was a church.
Before any discussions can take place on the history and beginnings of Beach Lodge, a brief history of the inhabitants and their locale must be touched on. Without a grasp of the one, we cannot appreciate the other.
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