Missing Cat


Staff member
Feb 15, 2004
The Beach Strip
I had this sent by email a couple days ago;

My husband and I live at 163 Beach Blvd. On Thursday July 31, 2014 at 5am. I woke up to a screaming cat. ( Our cat Tommy Hardly meows.) Our cat is an inside cat and I leave the window to our room slightly open with the screen on it. When I looked the screen had been ripped and no cat in the house. Our recycling bin was covered in cat hair and brown hair I didn't recognize. Their is a black cat that comes around our place for territorial purposes and often bugs are indoor cat. I have no idea who the owners are of ya black cat. I later discovered the brown hair in the recycling bin was from a raccoon .. Our cat is still missing and it's day 4. I'm very upset because our cat is an indoor cat and wasn't even outside when the raccoons attacked him.
Since Tommy's strange disappearance, I noticed two raccoons eating out of our green bin that is closed. They are back every night. One night we ran them off our property but they were back the next day. One night they were even on our roof!!!!

These raccoons are so pesky and irritating. Is their anything the counsel can do to get rid of them? I also hope my cat is still alive. He is only over 1 yr old, black and white with black on the tip of his nose. He is a Tabey cat and his name is tommy. We just got him neutered 3 weeks ago. Here is a couple pictures of him.


Staff member
Feb 15, 2004
The Beach Strip
I wrote back to our new neighbours and told that there isn't a lot we can do about the wildlife in the area, but stated that I didn't really think a raccoon would risk a fight with a cat. I added some tips on containing their green bin and told them to look around for conceal places that the cat may think to be safe.


Staff member
Feb 15, 2004
The Beach Strip
From today;
A quick update on our cat. So we had a sighting of him early this morning and late this evening. He still hasn't come home. Mostly because the raccoons have been at our place. We discovered one up the tree for the whole day today.
Thanks for all your help in this matter. Wanted to let you know the raccoons didn't eat him. Thank goodness they weren't that hungry. We will keep you posted as to what happens. Thanks


Registered User
Oct 15, 2009
A tip to keep animals out of your trash etc.

Spray them with windex or something else that is high in ammonia. Animals do not like the smell.

I had that problem when I was living in Stoney Creek many years ago and with doing that, it worked like a charm.


Staff member
Feb 15, 2004
The Beach Strip
A tip to keep animals out of your trash etc.

Spray them with windex or something else that is high in ammonia. Animals do not like the smell.

I had that problem when I was living in Stoney Creek many years ago and with doing that, it worked like a charm.
I will give it a try, but as long as I keep everything in trash cans, it doesn't get bothered. I wonder if the cat came back.


Registered User
Oct 15, 2009
I meant to post this in this post.

I would also recommend getting this screen at Canadian Tire. It does cost more but it's worth it. The person who replaced my screen in the screen door didn't put it in right and it's coming apart at the seams. But Paula my dog nails have yet to rip it and her nails are very long right now. Time to call the groomer to get them cut. I just wished the screen came in different sizes.


Here is a groomer that also does housecalls. They aren't cheap but one does have to pay for convenience.

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