Paddleboarders rescued off Burlington Beach by Coast Guard vessel


Staff member
Feb 15, 2004
The Beach Strip
Posted with permission from the Hamilton Spectator
August 14, 2016
Hamilton Spectator
By Tim Whitnell

Two Toronto women had to be rescued by a Coast Guard vessel off Burlington Beach yesterday afternoon when strong winds blew them and their paddleboards a significant distance off the shore of Lake Ontario.

Three emergency services vessels were dispatched to a point about one nautical mile off Burlington Beach looking for the two women, who were in the water on separate standup paddleboards.

A 911 call from a person on the shoreline around 2 p.m. Saturday alerted Halton Regional Police who in turn relayed a mayday call to the Coast Guard.

Hamilton Beach Rescue, a volunteer Coast Guard vessel, reached the women, each in their early 30s, first.

Const. Al Bonner of Halton police's marine unit said one of the women was on a board and the other in the water clinging to her board. Both were wearing personal flotation devices.

The women were brought back to shore uninjured.

"Hamilton Beach got to them just before a storm cell came through, about two minutes later," said Bonner, noting the inclement weather soon afterwards of high winds and rain would have blown the women farther out into the lake and made spotting them more difficult.

Burlington Post
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