271 Beach Blvd.


Staff member
Feb 15, 2004
The Beach Strip
Another group trying build condos on single family dwelling lot.

Re: Notice of Complete Applications and Preliminary Circulation for
for Coastal Land Development for Proposed Zoning By-law Amendment
and Draft Plan of Common Element Condominium for Lands Located at
271 Beach Boulevard, Hamilton, (Ward 5)

In accordance with the provisions of the Planning Act, as amended, this letter is to
advise that complete applications have been received by Hamilton's Planning and
Economic Development Department for a Zoning By-law Amendment and a Draft Plan
of Common Elements Condominium for lands at 271 Beach Boulevard (please see
attached Concept Plan).
Purpose and Effect of Applications
Zoning By-law Amendment (File No. ZAC-15-036)
The purpose and effect of the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment is to permit the
development of 4 semi-detached dwellings (8 dwelling units in total).




Staff member
Feb 15, 2004
The Beach Strip
Multiple Dwellings per Lot Zoning

Proposal at 271 Beach Blvd
My name is Joel Hughes, your neighbour at 267 Beach Blvd, and I'm canvassing the
neighbourhood to bring attention to a re-zoning proposal at 271 Beach Blvd that has implications
for the entire Beach Strip.
The proposal (ZAC-15-036) request re-zoning to allow multiple dwellings per lot. In this
particular case, development of 4 semi-detached houses, 8 houses in total, situated with 4 houses
along the front (street side) of the property and 4 houses along the back (path side).
The city building plan for this area of the Beach Strip clearly restricts use to single family
dwellings (one house per lot). If the zoning amendment succeeds then 1 this would set precedence
for this same style of development anywhere along the Beach Strip with little opposition.
An oral or written submission to the City of Hamilton voicing your concerns is the most
effective approach but I have also prepared a petition to quickly capture general consensus of the
community. Please contact me at the email/phone below to take part in the petition.
Only those who make an oral or written submission to the City of Hamilton before a
decision is made are allowed to be involved in the appeal process to the Ontario Municipal
Board, so it is important that you are registered and your opinions heard. Written submissions
received prior to August 7th 2015 will be included in a staff report.
Please contact me any reason regarding this issue and for additional documentation on how
to prepare a letter and details on the various ways to submit comments to the city, including email
to cameron.thomas@hamilton.ca.
Thank you for your interest and effort in this matter.
Joel Hughes
267 Beach Blvd.
http://www.hamilton.ca/sites/default/files/beachpropertyinformationpackage.pdf, Beach Area 'C', Appendix F,
Section Nine - "C" Districts (page 9-1)



Staff member
Feb 15, 2004
The Beach Strip

Dear Resident:
As you may or may not be aware, Coastal Land Development from Richmond Hill has submitted a rezoning application to the City of Hamilton for lands located at 271 Beach Blvd, The applicant proposes to construct 4 semi-detached dwellings (8 units) on the current single family lot.
The current zoning on the property permits single family homes, and the new owner was well aware of the zoning designation when the property was purchased.
The proposed plan should not be supported for a number of reasons, including but not limited to:
• it does not conform with the density, character or form of development in the surrounding neighbourhood
• the site is too small to accommodate 8 units and will create parking pressure - applicant is seeking reduced lot widths and areas and reduced front and rear yard setbacks
• the current zoning is designated for single and semi-detached family homes and should be respected - the Beach Neighbourhood Plan identifies single & semi -detached homes at this address
• it will result in the loss of a home with heritage value
(constructed in 1906)
• it will set a dangerous precedent along the beach for other
large lots/single family homes to be demolished and replaced
with multi-residential development

I'm sure you will agree that the application is completely out of character with the surrounding neighbourhood, and it is imperative that we voice our opposition to the application. For your convenience I have initiated an online petition that can be accessed on my website at www.chadcollins.ca. Alternatively, correspondence should be directed to:
Ms. Ida Bedioui
Legislative Co-ordinator - City Clerks Department
71 Main Street West
Hamilton, ON
L8P 4Y5
(Please make note to CC the Mayor and City Council on your
correspondence. )
In the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact my office with
questions or comments.

Chad Collins
Councillor, Ward 5


Registered User
Jan 29, 2008
I think you will agree the new house (apartment building/skyscraper/whatever you want to call it) on 5th avenue " does not conform with the density, character or form of development in the surrounding neighbourhood" yet somehow it got pushed through...Just because one family lives in a house big enough for 8 families doesn't make it right. How is 271 different??



Staff member
Feb 15, 2004
The Beach Strip
I think you will agree the new house (apartment building/skyscraper/whatever you want to call it) on 5th avenue " does not conform with the density, character or form of development in the surrounding neighbourhood" yet somehow it got pushed through...Just because one family lives in a house big enough for 8 families doesn't make it right. How is 271 different??
That is a monster of a house, there goes the view of the lake. It is however a single family dwelling, unless you know something that I don't (and I have very little info on that property). The new owners at 271 want to build condos with eight units in total, more like the old Dynes property instead of one building.
But I agree, the house on 5th seems to be shoe horned in there pretty good and it is tall.


Staff member
Feb 15, 2004
The Beach Strip
The City Council meeting regarding the rezoning application for 271 Beach Blvd will take place:
Tuesday May 31 2016
Council Chambers, 2nd Floor
City Hall
71 Main Street West, Hamilton

The Zoning By-law Amendment ZAC-15-036 (rezoning request) would permit the development of multiple dwellings per lot where currently a single dwelling exists. In this particular instance the back half (lake side) of the lot will contain 2 semi-detached dwellings (4 units facing the lake) and the front half (street side) will have a single dwelling.

Public Input and the Appeal Process

If the amendment is rejected by City Council and appealed by the Developer, then only those who made an oral or written submission on or before May 31 may take an active part in the appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board.

If you have an opinion, concern, or comment on the matter, yeah or nay, or simply what to show support by numbers, please attend.

On a personal note, I believe this zoning request should be turned down. If passed, it will set precedence for rezoning single dwelling lots on much of the Beach Strip and restrict City Council’s ability to control similar developments. I sadly envision a future where much of the waterfront is consumed by many, close to the path, narrow and tall, tightly packed row-house style buildings.

Further information is available from the office of Cam Thomas, City of Hamilton, 905-546-2424 ext. 4229, email cameron.thomas@hamilton.ca or myself (contact information below).

Joel Hughes

267 Beach Blvd


Staff member
Feb 15, 2004
The Beach Strip
May 13th, 2016
Dear Resident:
Further to my previous correspondence related to Coastal Land Development's application to construct new homes at 271 Beach Blvd, please be advised of the following. The developer's original plan proposed the demolition of the current single family home to accommodate the construction of 4 semi-detached dwellings (8 units). In response to the rezoning application filed with the City, well over a hundred beach residents signed a paper and online petition in opposition to the plan.
In response to the negative community feedback, the developer has revised their plan and now proposes to construct 2 semi-detached dwellings (4 units) and retain the current single family home (plans attached).
In the interim, I have had the opportunity to meet with representatives of the Hamilton Beach Community Council, as well as other residents in the area.
We are collectively of the opinion that the revised plan should not be supported for a number of reasons, including but not limited to:
• it does not conform with the density, character or form of development in the surrounding neighbourhood
• the site is too small to accommodate 5 units on a site originally designed for one single family home
• the Beach Neighbourhood Plan proposes single family homes at this location (the Neighbourhood Plan should be respected)
• it will set a dangerous precedent along the beach for other large lots/single family homes to be demolished and replaced with multi-residential development

Thank you to everyone who previously signed the online petition, and/or called my office to voice your concerns. Your comments made a difference, and forced the applicant to 'rethink' their original submission. Notwithstanding our progress, it's important to reiterate our collective concerns to the City's Planning Committee. The application will be presented to the committee on Tuesday, May 31st at 9:30 a.m. at Hamilton's City Hall, 71 Main Street West (2nd Floor).
For your convenience, I've initiated another online petition that can be accessed on my website at www.chadcollins.ca. Alternatively, residents without access to email can contact my office at (905-546-2716) or contact the clerk directly:
Ms. Ida Bedioui
Legislative Co-ordinator - City Clerks Department
71 Main Street West
Hamilton, ON
L8P 4Y5
Thank you again for your continued support with this matter, and please do not hesitate to contact my office with questions or comments.
Your Councillor,
Chad Collins

City Hall, 71 Main Street West, Hamilton, Ontario L8P 4Y5 Tel. 905546-271-6 Res. 905 545-3737 Fax. 905 546-2535
E-mail: Chad.Collins@hamilton.ca



Staff member
Feb 15, 2004
The Beach Strip
271 Beach Boulevard Update

Thanks to all the residents who helped stop this application from going through!

From Councillor Collins office;

I am pleased to announce that the City’s Planning Committee unanimously denied the development application to build 4 semi-detached units (and one single family home) at 271 Beach Boulevard. Thank you to the hundreds of residents who signed the two online petitions, and to the strong and forceful delegation that attended yesterday’s meeting to voice their concerns. Your opposition to the application and ongoing support for the Beach Neighbourhood Plan helped defeat an application that would have set a dangerous precedent for future developments.

The recommendation to deny the application will be confirmed at our City Council meeting scheduled on June 8th. The applicant has 20 days from the date of the denial to appeal the City’s decision to the Ontario Municipal Board. I will continue to keep you posted with any and all developments related to the file.

More info here;


Staff member
Feb 15, 2004
The Beach Strip
The battle for Hamilton's beach front: Locals vs. Toronto developers

The city is trying to fend off developments that cram as many units as possible onto single-family lots

By Samantha Craggs, CBC News Posted: Jun 15, 2016

Standing in his lush backyard on Beach Boulevard, Bill Smith tells his favourite story about growing up on the beach strip.

A neighbour kept chickens, and all the birds ganged up on one chicken in particular, pecking it until it was bald and bloodied. Smith rescued the chicken and they kept it as a pet. They named it Jigs.
By day, Jigs strutted around the neighbourhood. People fed him sandwiches. To call Jigs home, his mom hollered his name, and the chicken would "come running like the Road Runner."

These days, Hamilton's storied beach community is Jigs. The other chickens are Toronto developers hungry to gobble up precious land there. And it has people like Smith fighting – sometimes in vain – to protect the neighbourhood's eclectic, blue-collar spirit.
The city just fended off one such developer, but likely not for long. Last week, city council turned down a proposal from Coastal Land Development Corp. to squeeze four new condo units onto the same lot as an old single family home at 271 Beach Blvd.

But the city is already planning to spend more than $300,000 on an Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) appeal. And it might not win.
"That's just jamming them in for the sake of profit," Smith said.

"Nobody wants to see that happen to this old beach strip. It's too beautiful a place."

The gold rush is just the latest chapter for a community the city nearly bulldozed once to build a park.

When Smith grew up there in the 1940s, steelworkers populated the neighbourhood. Smith, too, worked for Stelco before he retired. The beach community was its own municipality, complete with a three-member police force. Everyone went to dances at the old fire hall. When Smith was 16, he met the girl who would become his wife.


Staff member
Feb 15, 2004
The Beach Strip
As we all know the Coastal Land Development's application was voted down by Council and they have appealed the City’s decision to the Ontario Municipal Board. See attached.



Staff member
Feb 15, 2004
The Beach Strip
Good News

From the attached report;

"For the foregoing reasons, the Board orders that the appeal is dismissed."

This is very good news for the Beach, it means that developers will have to follow the Beach Neighbourhood Plan if they want to build.



Staff member
Feb 15, 2004
The Beach Strip
From Councillor Collins

271 Beach Blvd Development – OMB Appeal

We won!

Background: In 2015 the City of Hamilton received an application to build 2 semi-detached style buildings (4 units) at 271 Beach Blvd. The applicant also proposed the relocation of the existing single family home to the front of the lot. In consultation with the Beach Community Council, and neighbouring residents, we decided to oppose the application as it would set a dangerous precedent that might encourage other developers to purchase large beach lots and squeeze multiple units onto properties originally designed for single family homes. Dozens of residents signed my online petition, and many attended the planning committee meeting where we were able to convince City Council to oppose the application for the following reasons: it did not conform with the Beach Neighbourhood Plan, it did not conform with the density, form or character of development in the surrounding area, the site was too small for 5 residential units, and it would result in the loss of a home with heritage value (constructed in 1906).

With the denial at City Council, the applicant appealed their plan to the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB), with the board hearing held in June. I’m pleased to announce that we have received the OMB decision and the application has been dismissed! A special thank you to the residents who appeared before the City’s Planning Committee and at the OMB hearings. Thank you to the Beach Community Council for their guidance and assistance, and the dozens of residents who signed the online petition, and those without access to email who mailed letters or called my office with their support. The OMB decision is important, as it reaffirms the guiding development principles contained in the Beach Neighbourhood Plan and will assist with pending applications at 865 Beach Blvd and elsewhere, where developers have proposed similar plans.

Copies of the decision are available through my office. Please do not hesitate to call or email with any questions you might have.


Staff member
Feb 15, 2004
The Beach Strip
The Builders have came back with a new proposal which was discussed last night at a meeting with representatives from the Beach and Councillor Collins.
The new plan is to build three homes on two lots and we have until December 6th to decide on whether we will support the change.
Anyone wanting to see the new plans or wanting more info, please contact me or attend the next Beach Council meeting on December 5th at the Rescue Unit.
Attached are the minutes from last nights meeting, thanks to Lisa Witherington.



Staff member
Feb 15, 2004
The Beach Strip
The developer has the lots for sale. This developer has shoe-horned three lots into the space that is supposed to only have two, they taken advantage of our community just so they can make more money.
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