978 Beach Boulevard


Staff member
Feb 15, 2004
The Beach Strip
Heritage Permit Application HP2014-015,

That Heritage Permit Application HP2014-015 be approved for the erection of a new single detached dwelling, with an attached garage, on the designated property at 978 Beach Boulevard, Hamilton (Hamilton Beach Heritage Conservation District), as shown in Appendix “A” to Report PED14151, subject to the final approval of a Site Plan application and the following conditions:
a) That the specifications for the proposed windows, front garage door, porch, railings, soffits, eaves and downspouts shall be submitted, to the satisfaction and approval of the Director of Planning, prior to submission as part of any application for a Building Permit;
b) That the dimensions and surfacing materials for the new driveway and any walkways, patios or other hard-surface areas, shall be submitted, to the satisfaction and approval of the Director of Planning, in accordance with the Site Plan approval process and prior to installation;
c) That the dimensions, design and materials for any new fencing and gates shall be submitted, to the satisfaction and approval of the Director of Planning, prior to installation;
d) That a plan depicting the planting of any new trees shall be submitted, to the satisfaction and approval of the Director of Planning, prior to planting;
e) That any minor changes to the plans and elevations following approval shall be submitted, to the satisfaction and approval of the Director of Planning, prior to submission as part of any application for a Building Permit; and,
f) That construction and site alterations, in accordance with this approval, shall be completed no later than September 30, 2016. If the construction and site alterations are not completed by September 30, 2016, then this approval expires as of that date, and no alterations shall be undertaken without a new approval issued by the City of Hamilton.

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