About the Good Neighbour Campaign


Staff member
Feb 15, 2004
The Beach Strip
Good Neighbour Campaign
The Hamilton Good Neighbour Campaign is a new project that has been started this year
through Environment Hamilton to open lines of communication between industry and the
community. Our efforts are modeled after the approach used by Ohio Citizen Action; the
organization that not only developed the Good Neighbour Campaign concept, but used it
to produce substantial and beneficial changes within their community.
The goal is to bring together a group of citizens who are passionate about creating
positive change within their neighbourhoods. The group will act as a new voice to
industry and emissions, and will center its efforts on the issues pertaining specifically to
ArcelorMittal-Dofasco. These issues will include, and will not be limited to: the
company’s emission of compounds known to cause cancer, black fallout
which creates health and safety concerns, the company’s request for Alternate Standards
for emissions under Regulation 419/05 and the company’s request for a Basic
Comprehensive Certificate of Approval for its facility.
We believe that all neighbours within your community should have a say in the decisions
made pertaining to health and environment in a positive procative way.We will call upon
ArcelorMittal-Dofasco to reduce its emissions now and become a Good Neighbour to the
community of which it is a part.
Stay tuned for a door-to-door campaign to start up again soon, answer your questions, tell
you how to join in and bring the neighbourhood together for an information session on
how you can have your voice heard.
For more information go to the Environment Hamilton website and look under the GNC
blog spot or call Environment Hamilton at 905-549-0900.
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