City of Hamilton neglects its beach


Staff member
Feb 15, 2004
The Beach Strip
Len Wilson
The Hamilton Spectator
(Aug 14, 2007)

Last Holiday Monday, l had a great day with about 50 other people, at the only true beach l have ever known Hamilton to have.

On both sides of the Skyway Bridge runs a large sand bar. The water is shallow and warm, making this area ideal for swimming or boating. The sandy beach is perfect for building sand castles, playing volleyball or just relaxing in the sun.

Burlington has spent a lot of money maintaining and improving their valuable asset by building change rooms, showers, washrooms, a snack bar and continually grooming the beach. Hamilton, on the other side of the canal, hardly even acknowledges it has a beach.

This is the same site where once stood a very large change room. Across the road was an amusement park with plenty of rides, a bingo hall, a dance hall, a bowling alley and many games of chance.

This is where I spent my summers when I was a child,and this is where I often took my children, friends and visitors.

The City of Hamilton did not renew the amusements park's licence and closed down the change room. People started to go elsewhere and this beach to most people was forgotten.

People of Hamilton wake up. Check out this site. See how beautiful it is. If Burlington can spend money on their one and only true beach, why can't we?
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