Lame coyote on waterfront trail

Yesterday morning I was walking my dog along the waterfront trail and came across a lame coyote. This was between the Third & Fouth Street entrances to the trails and beach, just north of Lacarno.

A couple had just chased it out of their backyard and it was heading South toward us. When I saw it approach I made my dog sit and we both remained very still until it had passed us.

This coyote has an injured back right leg that it holds up as it trots along on the other 3. He also looks very mangy. He wasn't aggressive, in fact, he hugged his side of the path as he passed us.

I was speaking to a neighbour today and she has recently seen this coyote at the Fifth St. entrance (directly across from where we live).

The coyote doesn't seem aggresive, but you never know. Keep your eyes out for him.

Karen H.
I have reported the Coyote

Hi Scotto,

Thanks for checking up. He may be down around Hutch's or Barangas again.

I called the Humane Animal Control in Hamilton and had to leave a message. I then called the branch of the Ministry that deals in animal control and basically they said there was nothing we could do about it. He has been reported over the past year, usually down by Barangas, but not as far over as the lift bridge before. He is also known to approach humans, but so far, not aggressively.

I told them he was injured, but they said they didn't even have a ladder let alone means to trap him. (Not good news if you have squirrels in your attic! :) )

The best they could offer was to put in a report and "track" him.

I hope there is something someone can do to help him.

Have a happy new year!

Karen H.


Staff member
Feb 15, 2004
The Beach Strip
Coyote Warning

From the March 2007 Beach Banner.

The area coyotes are getting a whole lot bolder.They used to stay hidden,now they are boldly running up and down the street.They have been spotted at night from one end of the strip to the other. Be very careful of your pets when they are out-side cause these wild animals are not afraid of anything.They also patrol when the garbage is out on the street for pick up.
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