I'm sorry to have been so long in getting to this problem, but I had to locate a better (read bigger) copy of the picture, and do some research on the names. I don't have them all, but I do have most of them, though I'm not sure about a few. I've added a Question Mark to those for which I'm not sure. I've put in a Question Mark only for those I don't remember, and added a list of names for consideration in the hope that someone will recognize the name and the face, and put them together.
1 Charley Dillen (?)
2 Danny Dowdell
3 David Lang
4 Walter Fenner (?)
5 Don Reynolds
6 Ron Francis
7 Keith Crawford
8 ?
9 Harry Follwell
10 Ralph Woods
11 Fred Briggs
12 Gerry Wallace
13 Bob Crossley
14 Bob Sweet
15 George Robson
16 Jackie DeNew
17 ?
18 ? (Grace Crechiola ?)
19 ?
20 Elizabeth Mitchell
21 Marlene Pett
22 Beverly Hampson
23 ? (Dan Threader?)
24 Arthur Mathieson (not Raymond!)
25 George Petrie
26 Jerry Kenyon
27 Jack Kenyon
28 Lorraine Alexander
29 Eva Havlicek
30 Jackie Lane
31 Joan Moore
32 Norma Beveridge
33 Caroline Cuming
34 Wm. F. Johnson
There are some people who I know were in that class, that year, but they must have been absent for the picture, or I simply don't remember them. They are Helen Garlow, Jack Halcro (went to Victoria in June), Annabelle May, Judith Muise, Ron Piesanen, Dorothy Stewart, and David Tennant. I think Barbara Hadcock joined our class in June (from Port Dover), maybe after the picture was taken. If you knew any of these people, and can recognize them in the picture, please help us fill it in.
Otherwise, I'll try to identify the others now that I have narrowed it down, when I get another chanc and if I can find out the date when the picture was taken .