New Clubhouse


Registered User
Sep 26, 2007
Beach Rescue Unit

Does anyone know what is happening with the Rescue Hall ?What are they building now ??


Staff member
Feb 15, 2004
The Beach Strip
Does anyone know what is happening with the Rescue Hall ?What are they building now ??
Hi ditty;
The Rescue Unit is in the middle of more construction. They have demolished the old clubhouse and are building a new one.
This was the only section of the property that wasn't new and was badly in need of being replaced.
Just to add a little history, the first picture shows the club house before ownership was transfered to the Beach Fire Department back in 1952, the building was moved and attached to the new hall being built as shown in the pictures below the club house.

The next two pics show the new addition, the inside of the new club house.

And the finished new hall.


Registered User
Sep 26, 2007
Thanks Scotto, looks like the clubhouse will be for improvement to speak or bigger and better! It's all good!
Updates are usually good news too!

The newly built bar from the old club house.


Staff member
Feb 15, 2004
The Beach Strip
Firefighters at Beach Build Recreation Hall

Firefighters at Beach Build Recreation Hall

From the Hamilton Spectator

Hamilton Beach, August 1/ 1952
Residents of this busy area may well be proud of the Beach Volunteer Fire Department, under Chief Dan Hazell, which, though hard work and determination, has recently completed the construction of a recreation hall.
The hall, valued at some $15,000 is a monument to the members the department who, in a combined effort, built the impressive structure at no cost to the ratepayers of the area.
For more than 10 years now, the Fire Department, one of the most efficient in this part of the province has seen service at fires and drowning along the busy Beach strip. This group of 27 men has taken over one of the most important jobs in the entire community, that of the protection of life and property, and their record, over the years, has shown that the department has done an excellent job. The department has progressed from one A.R.P. trailer pump to the present well-equipped department of two pumpers, modern inhalers, gas masks and other equipment necessary to make up an efficient fire-fighting unit.

Build First Truck

In 1941, the men received a second hand truck, a former milk delivery vehicle, and under the supervision of G. F. Robins, then assistant chief, the department constructed the first fire-fighting truck the Beach could call their own. Sometime later, a truck was purchased from the Hamilton Department.
The Burlington Beach Commission though (over) the years has offered its whole-hearted co-operation to the department.
Because of the location of the community, and the ever present danger of persons drowning, the department has purchased and financed by its own funds, made possible through various projects held on the strip, and supported by public spirited citizens, the lifesaving equipment which includes two boats, hot water bottles, etc.
Also, the members of the department have spent considerable time in the study of artificial resuscitation, and have built up an enviable record at the popular Beach strip, mecca of the swimming and boating for hundreds of Hamilton and district residents during the summer months.
The department last spring was forced out of the fire hall because of high water, but the men were up to the problem and purchased the old bowling green clubhouse from the Beach Commission, added to it at their own expense, and have a hall that is excellent for training and social purpose.
Supervision of this project was under Fireman C. Simmons, D. Young, J. Gavalin and K. Agur.
Besides their work at fires and Beach accidents, the members of the department also respond when called upon to assist in any charitable purpose, and in their own way have assisted the needy, the school and churches, with physical and financial aid.

Annual Frolic

To assist them in their work the department each year holds a frolic, and the date this social event is August 8, 9 and 11, at the Dynes Station.
Members of the department at the present time include Chief Dan Hazell; Assistant Chief Bud Allan; Captains W. Sommerville, C. Dean; Lieutenants F. Leach and C. Hewitt; Fire Building Inspector A. Christian, and Firemen K. Kinrade, D. Young, W. Ronalds, R. Manzer, L. Griffin, H. Wilkins, H. Hindman, C. Simmons, G. Markis, K. Agur, J. Gavalin, G. Hopwood, R. Foster, E. Tubman, A. Fulton, G. Pree, J. Embelton, W. Simmons, F. Wain, H. Henderson.


Staff member
Feb 15, 2004
The Beach Strip
Many Guests Attend Club Room Opening

Hamilton Beach, May 28, 1952

About 80 guest attended the tenth anniversary of the Beach Volunteer Fire Department in the new club rooms at the Dynes Station. Guests of honour were the chairman of the Beach Commission, Fred Jento and Mrs. Jento; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Francis, Mr. and Mrs. Noel Hughes, Mr. and Mrs. Waumsley, of Burlington; life members of the Beach Fire Department, Mr. and Mrs. William Thornton and Sid Grey.
Assistant Chief Bud Allan was the chairman. He welcomed the guests and their wives. Fire Chief Dan Hazell spoke on the development of the department and the progress made in the last ten years. Mr. Jento gave a brief address on behalf of the commission, and praised the wonderful service given to the community through the untiring efforts of the men. Mr. Francis, vice-chairman of the commission, presented the bill of sale of the club rooms to Bill Sommerville, chairman of the finance committee.
Honour Commission
The Ladies Auxiliary was given a vote of thanks by Charlie Hewitt for its donation of curtains and drapes for the club room. This was responded to by Mrs. Frank Wain. At this time a presentation of travelling bags was made to Mrs. Francis from the commission. Mrs. Francis will retire soon. Dancing and entertainment concluded the evening
Open house at the fire department was offered to Beach residents during the holiday. Despite the bad weather over 250 inspected and admired the new club room. A buffet lunch was served. The doll draw was won by Lloyd Kitchen, Mareve Avenue. The draw was sponsored by the Ladies Auxiliary of the Fire Department.


Staff member
Feb 15, 2004
The Beach Strip
A few more photos of the construction and the finished club house..
The outsdie almost done;

The inside when the finishing touches are beginning;

The final clubhouse;

Just moving into the office (front section of the building)
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