Attached are some VanWagner's Beach pics, some very old and some not so old. If you have some you would like to add, feel free to do so or you can send it to me and I will post them for you.
Hutch's has employed many of the younger Beach residents over the decades, great summer job for students.
I have had those pictures sitting in a files for years in a hope of getting a few more. I don't recall where many of them came from and have even used a few in other posts. But many are from a Hutch's photobook that I borrowed a few years back, many thanks to Rick Creechan.
As I wrote earlier, I don't believe that anything has been approved by City Council, all we have now is planning reports that have to be looked over and debated.
I haven't seen anything started in the way of new construction, but there were some upgrades to water pumping station which has nothing to do with the park.
The first one isn't Van Wagner's, that would be the north section of the Beach showing the old bridge and the amusement park.
The second is Van Wagner's as labeled, you can see the south end of the Beach, water treatment plant and the filtering basin.