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  1. scotto

    Plan 2014 (High Lake Levels)

    Water levels are rising and traffic has been impacted at the Burlington Canal Lift Bridge By Dominick Nagy - July 13, 2019, 9:12 pm The arms come down one by one stopping traffic over the Burlington Canal Lift Bridge. A final siren signals the impending lift climbing more...
  2. scotto

    Hydro One is back

    Thanks for the heads up, will get some pictures of the mess they will make.
  3. scotto

    Plan 2014 (High Lake Levels)

    Outflows unchanged as water levels drop The International Lake Ontario – Saint Lawrence River Board decided on Friday to maintain its current outflow rates for Lake Ontario down the St. Lawrence River as water levels on the lake begin to drop. “We’ve been passing record high flows since June,”...
  4. scotto

    7 Fitch Ave

    COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT City Hail, 5" floor, 71 Main Street West, Hamilton, ON Lap 4Y5 Telephone (905) 546-2424, ext. 4221 Fax (905) 546-1202 E-mail: or NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Minor Variance You are receiving this...
  5. scotto

    Hamilton Museum of Steam and Technology.

    (Continued) Later History of the Waterworks In 1882, to meet the increased demand for water from new industries, replacement boilers and pumps nearly doubled the capacity of the station. Hamilton's industrial growth, however, soon outgrew this new capacity. A new station, using Hamilton made...
  6. scotto

    Hamilton Museum of Steam and Technology.

    Hamilton's First Pumphouse. (A publication from the City of Hamilton) Victorian Hamilton The 1850s were prosperous times in Hamilton. The Great Western Railway had located its headquarters and largest railways shops in the city which helped to stimulate economic growth. New factories and...
  7. scotto

    'Momentum' remains to preserve beach lighthouse

    George Thomson, chair of the executive committee for the Beach Canal Lighthouse group, echoed the positive signals that have been coming from the federal government “It’s only a matter of months until we can gain access to the tower,” he told members of the Hamilton Future Fund recently. The...
  8. scotto

    Historical photos: Hamilton’s Lakeland pool made a big splash

    Posted with permission from the Hamilton Spectator _____________________________________________________________________ Did you ever cool off by the lake? Many Hamiltonians did and still do at Lakeland pool at Van Wagners Beach. Jul 08, 2019 The Hamilton Spectator Lakeland pool...
  9. scotto

    Plan 2014 (High Lake Levels)

    If we get some high winds out of the east, this is what we could get, filmed in Greece NY.
  10. scotto

    Plan 2014 (High Lake Levels)

    And some not-so good news _______________________________________________ High water levels will persist for months even if weather cooperates Published: 07/08/2019 @ 05:27 am Those who live near the shores of Lake Ontario and are hoping for fast relief from this year’s...
  11. scotto

    Deed to the Dyne's Land

    Originally owned by Samuel Dynes then sold by John Dynes. It is hard to say if the hotel lands were also sold.
  12. scotto

    About Dynes Tavern

    A Dynes team jersey from the mid-1080's.
  13. scotto

    Tugs, Workboats and more......

    Marine #2 and Beach Rescue waiting for a bridge opening due to high lake levels. Marine #2 Toronto Marine Police vessel Tug Wyatt M Ontario Explorer
  14. scotto

    2019 Annual Beach Garage Sale

    From Ed at Beach Rescue We do still have space available on our inside front lawn for the annual Beach garage sale day. Rental for 10ft × 20ft is $25. Rental for 10ft x 20ft is $45 We do not supply tables or chairs outside on the lawn. Gates will be open at 6am on the day off sale. No...
  15. scotto

    Plan 2014 (High Lake Levels)

    Once again, not much of a change, but if there is any trend, the level is easing down slowly. Check the daily lake level from the beginning of May until today, very slight drop but not the record levels that we had last month. The blue line represents 76m above sea level. May 2019 June 2019...
  16. scotto

    Plan 2014 (High Lake Levels)

    Checking our canal water level meter, seems to be standing slightly above the crest of the 2017 level, just above the second ladder rail. And on the Blvd we have some sand bagging to keep the water from going back onto the low sitting properties.
  17. scotto

    Plan 2014 (High Lake Levels)

    Posted with permission from the Hamilton Spectator _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Why is Lake Ontario so high? Some people blame climate change and poor...
  18. scotto

    Plan 2014 (High Lake Levels) Flood Warning (Lake Ontario/Bay of Quinte) Collin Whitehouse June 23, 2019 Lower Trent Conservation advises municipalities and the public that the Flood Warning for...
  19. scotto

    Path Pictures

    Jillian & Adrian's wedding, yesterday behind Manor Ave.
  20. scotto

    Plan 2014 (High Lake Levels)

    "Friday June 21st, the average level is at 75.95 M (249.18 Feet)" We seem to a small lowering of the lake level then it comes right back up, we haven't moved since the end of May.
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