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  1. D

    Meeting re: Burlington Canal

    Meeting of the Burlington Historical Society, Jan. 13 at 7 pm at the Burlington Central Library. The speaker is Bob Sears whose subject will be Journey to Paradise - The Burlington and Desjardins Canals. Thought some of the researchers might like to go and start a food fight. You know we...
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    Look for Northern Lights tonight

    Message from my Quebec Research list that tonight between 9 and 11 there is a good chance of seeing the Northern Lights. Apparently Maine is also saying they may spot them As they...
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    Pictures I found

    To start here are two more of Brant's Pond
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    From Outlet to Canal

    Great work on finding this information on how the canal was cut through the sand bar. I guess one could say that in digging for this, 'you really hit the mother load'. Way to go David! Spoken like a true smart ass! Welcome to the group. Beach sand is a heavy topic!
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    From Outlet to Canal

    Drogo, there seems to be several books on line with information on Strobridge's involvement with the canal. Remember the article was written in 1881. In the neighbourhood of 50 yrs since the canal. Newsman probably did some digging, talked the people who remembered it. Nature tends to make...
  6. D

    From Outlet to Canal

    On the opening of the canal the whole population of the surrounding country, and many from a distance came to witness the success of the great achievement. The weather was all that could be desired, and in the afternoon a schooner, crowded with passengers eager to share the glory of the first...
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    From Outlet to Canal

    It was the original intention to locate the Burlington Bay Canal a mile further south than the present cut, in order to give vessels an offing to northward to work in, should they fail in making the mouth of the canal in an west blow, but local interest on the north shore, and a shorter cut drew...
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    From Outlet to Canal

    Appeared in the Spectator Jan. 28, 1881 THE BURLINGTON CANAL Incidents Attending Its Construction (Written for the Spectator) The building of the Burlington Canal was a big event, and the inquisitive inhabitants for many miles round about, as curiosity or Business called them, did not lose an...
  9. D

    From Outlet to Canal

    I'm posting this in a few messages as it is a transcript of a Spectator article from 1881, too long for one post. It isn't about Canal Bridges or the Outlet itself but supplies answers to some questions on both.
  10. D

    Inlet at the Beach-mystery photo

    I was given this photo (I hope it's not up already and I've missed it) and would very much like to know where it was taken from and of what. It came from Graham Pilling. I can look at it as the outlet but the landscaping isn't right. I tend to think it was that length of land that Martin's...
  11. D

    Hotels on the Beach

    Drogo and Fred, maybe what we need is a separate 'Pre-canal History' thread. This happens in discussions. We were talking about the need for hotels at the canal. Then you asked about ships unloading at the canal and that was answered. If we move too much around you will lose the train of...
  12. D

    The Burlington Canal Bridges

    second half of 1823 Act IX. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That so soon after the passing of this Act as he may deem proper, it shall and may be lawful for the Governor, Lieutenant Governor, or Person administering the Government of this Province, from time to time to...
  13. D

    The Burlington Canal Bridges

    Lets go boys. Ships went in and out and the ferry kept going back and forth. If you look at this picture you see the ferry arriving. We know they are arriving because the horse didn't turn around. You can see the chain going into the water on the trailing end. They must have had chain long...
  14. D

    Looking for the Walker sisters

    I got a message today from Graham Pillings daughter Susan. She lives around Port Perry. Sue has met an old Beach resident up there (don't know name) who wrote a long email with lots of history on some of the old houses on the Beach. I have asked for permission to submit it to the history...
  15. D

    Did you know Ronald Hambly Martin?

    I have a obituary for Ron Martin. Died Feb. 22, 2011. Says he was a long time member of the Hamilton Beach Rescue and worked at Robertson-Irwin. I didn't want to put this on the Rescue part of this site because it wasn't directly related to a rescue. I would like to know who this man was and...
  16. D

    A timely find

    Well today they are digging up relics at the North end of the Beach but on May 17, 1877 George Lottridge was doing the same on the South end of the Beach. Behind Fitch's Hotel he made a find with what appears to be more valuable articles than today. My friend, Scott Forsythe of Winnipeg, sent...
  17. D

    Keepers of the Light

    I'd like to put something up on my Saltfleet site. For those who don't know it that site is FREE Saltfleet history that I gather and offer to anyone it can help. I would like to do a page on the Lighthouse Keepers. If anyone is willing to make any donation of names, bios or pictures it would...
  18. D

    Head of the Lake

    There was quite an explannation before about the "Head of the Lake". It was felt that there was no place that was actually known by that name. For 3 days now I have been reading War Losses 1812-1814. Other than going blind I have learned much. One thing of interest is that out of literally...
  19. D

    In search of the outlet

    I have put together the work I personally did on the old forts and posted them to my website. It amounts to the reasonable conclusion of two forts. On that same site is my beginning attempts to pinpoint the old outlet. I have someone working on it with resources I don't have access to and...
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    John R wreck

    I asked this on various Ship Lists and Wreck sites but no one could help me. I research old ships from the Great Lakes. One that stumps me is a wreck my Father always talked about. When he was a child living on Crescent Beach he would row out to the wreck of the John R, as he called it. It...
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